Old-school transformation
METAMORPHOSIS UNframed exhibition
'Old-school transformation' is my playful response to themes of change, metamorphosis, growth, journey and evolution. It was my entry in the open exhibition, METAMORPHOSIS UNframed at the Belconnen Arts Centre.
The dream of being transformed by a new hairdo has stood the test of time. For millennia, hair - and a new hairdo - has had the power to influence the way we define ourselves. I used to go to the local suburban hair salon with my grandmother every week and (patiently) watch her transform from a 40-something fluffy-slippered housewife into Ava Gardner. The ritual hair wash and cut, roll-up in curlers, drenching with setting solution, and then the scorching beneath a big metal whirring dome. Miraculous!
Each of my three ladies' ideas of transformation sit suspended within their whirring domes. One bespectacled lady looks straight at us; she knows it's all just a bit of fun. Graphite pencil and ink on paper, 29.7 x 42cm